Longview News-Journal from Longview, Texas (2024)

9-0 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1980, Longviow Moming Journal 8-DthuRSOAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1980, Longvww Morning Journal China tries Mao Tse-Tung's widow, others Political briefs Reagan's civil rights record under assault World scene Poles okay labor union ity to production than to the class struggle. Diplomatic sources said the effects of the trial will be far reaching and during the proceedings dozens of others could be accused and hundreds could be implicated. The trial may be the ultimate downgrading of Mao, who is held responsible for the mistakes of the Cultural Revolution. But Party Chairman Hua Guofeng said in a speech last week that Mao should not be blamed for the gang's conspiracies because he was too League drops empty chair idea WASHINGTON (AP) Exercising its prerogative to change its mind, the League of Women Voters decided Wednesday not to place an empty chair on the stage in Sunday's presidential debate to dramatize President Carter's absence. do not intend to let the empty chair' he will campaign for Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan even though the party platform is a "disgrace," but that he would be "a liar or a hypocrite" if he endorsed George Bush for vice president, Weicker said it was a "tough decision" to back Reagan even though he and the former California governor differ greatly on issues.

He said the key factor was his belief rhatJteagan has integrity and will attract GDANSK, Poland (AP) Some 300 repre-sentatives of new independent trade unions across Poland met for the first time Wednesday and voted to form a national labor confederation with headquarters c6ntroversy overshadow 1 he opportunity of old and sick to resist thenv lems, Irom cabbage shortages to street crime. Jiang Qing, Mao's fourth wife, began her career as an actress and political activist in Shanghai She met Mao in 1937 at Mao's clandestine headquarters at the Caves of Yanan in western China. She became a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party Central Committee and a director of the Cultural Revolution. Jiang. 66, is said to be suffering from Parkinson's disease, a muscular ailment.

Yao Aenyuan 50, is a former literary critic whose 1965 article attacking a play signaled the start of the Cultural Revolution. He directed party propoganda, including the major party paier. The People's Daily. Zhang Chungqiao, 66, also was a prominent propagandist and theoretician during the Cultural Revolution He rose to become a vice premier and was mentioned as a possible successor to Mao. Wanhutigwen, 44, is a former Shanghai factory umrttnr who earned the nickname "the helicop competent people to government.

PEKING (AP) China's famed "gang of four," blamed for everything from cabbage shortages to street crime, will go on trial Friday at a closed session of the Supreme Court, Western diplomatic sources reported Wednesday. The four, who are accused vof trying to overthrow the state, include the widow of the late Party Chairman Mao TsMttng, Jiang Qing, The others are former Politburo members Zhang Chungqiao, Yao Aenyuan and Wang Hongwen. The sources said thedatfrofthe long-awaited trial was reported by a vice minister of justice to a visiting parliamentary delegation from Luxembourg this week. The four supported what now is called an "ultra-leftist" policy during the Cultural Revolution that placed politics and class struggle above all else, It is now regarded by Chinese leadership as a catastrophe for which China is still paying. Party Vice Chairman Deng Xiaoping has said the four are guilty of "towering crimes" and certainly will be found guilty, but the law must be observed.

Deng himself was one of thousands purged during that period because he gave higher prior said at a news conference at Dulles International Airport in suburban Virginia. Reagan repeated his assertion that the president "would like to hide his record and his performance from the American people." The former California governor said he did not think "I oould honorably" agree to a one-on-one debate with Carter, from which Rep. John B. Anderson would be excluded. Carter's climpaTgTxh ai rman; ItutrerrSr-Strauss, had said earlier that there was no change in the president's position on debates.

Reagan said that when he discussed states' rights in Mississippi, he was expressing his longstanding belief "that we've gone a long way toward eroding our federal system of sovereign states." Nonetheless, Carter's men kept up the pressure by challenging Reagan to come out for the fair housing legislation. The California- law actually was enacted in the early 1960s and was repealed by a voter initiative in 1964. It was reinstated by the California Supreme Court, and was no longer an issue when Reagan became governor in 1967. toric Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Carter had noted Reagan campaign references to "states' rights" and the Ku Klux Klan. and said: "Hatred has no place in this country Racism has no place in this country." An incensed Bush railed against Carter in a speech Wednesday to the Ohio Association of Realtors in Cleveland.

He said the president statement "was mean, "it was small, it was ugly, and I don't think the American people are going to cater to this kind of campaign." "To anyone who watched and listened to Mr Carter's inflammatory, divisive remarks in Atlanta, his i ntent was unmistakeablT" Bush said, adding: "Yesterday, in what has got to be a new low by a man who holds the highest office in the land. Mr. Carter made the suggestion in Atlanta that Governor Reagan is a racist," he said. Reagan chided Carter once more for the president's rqfusal to join in the debate sponsored by the League of Women Voters. "There is still time for him to reverse his decision not to debate and to participate in discussing publicly the great issues facing America and the world," the GOP candidate By The Associated Press President Carter's forces continued their assault on Ronald Reagan's civil rights record, calling on the GOP candidate Wednesday to support a major fair housing bill and chiding him for what they said was his opposition to similar legislation in California.

White House press secretary Jody Powell said that in light of Reagan's statement that he would like to see civil rights laws strengthened, "we call upon him to state his position on, and to support, the fair housing bill which is now in the Senate." "The governor's position is also relevant -jn light of his record as-governorCaltforaia, which shows he advocated repeal of the California fair housing law, known as the Rumford Act," Powell said. While the Carter camp was focusing attention on Reagan's record in the battle between the two major parties for black support in the pivotal South, Carter's native territory, the GOP standardbearer and running mate George Bush were bristling over the president's refusal to take part in Sunday's debate in Baltimore and Carter's recent campaign rhetoric Standing before a black audience at the his that ousted this NATO-nation's government of Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel. Police identified two suspected Dev-Sol terrorists in the shooting of 32-year-old Aykut Gene in his car in the upper class Sisli district. His wife, with him at the time, suffered a minor foot wound. No arrests were made.

da Vinei work sought LONDON (AP) Britain's minister for the arts, Norman St. John Stevas, pledged Wednesday to fight to keep a Leonardo da Vinci art treasure in this country by pre-venting it from coming for auction at Christie's in December. St. John Stevas said he will try to persuade the British owners of the illustrated manuscript, "On the Nature, Weight and Movement of Water," to make a private treaty sale instead of auctioning the 36-page work. Six Jewish settlers die BANI NAIM, Occupied West Bank (AP) -A pile of dynamited rubble was all that remained Wednesday of a two-bedroom house where a Palestinian guerrilla may have Lech Walesa.

37. leader of the Baltic port strikes that made the new unions possible, said the 35 committees represented at a closed-door meeting and ISO single factory groups would register as a joint federation next week with Warsaw District Court. He is expected to be named chairman of the group's presidium. Soviets lead in weapons LONDON (AP) The Soviet Union and fts-satellites have seized a commanding lead over the United States and its allies in both nuclear and conventional weapons, the authoritative International Institute Chinese officials have said the trial will be conducted according to China's code of law. Otti-cials have emphasized the trial will be open to selected Chinese but closed to the foreign press because of the state secrets which would be disclosed.

The verdict and report on the trial will be announced later, they said Hua has said although the four caused the death of thousands they will themselves not be sentenced to death. The "gang of four" was arrested three weeks after Mao's death in October 1976 Public statements and anonymous posters have blamed the gang since then for a wide range of China's prob ter" because of his rapid rise in politics. Under Jiang Qing's patronage he served in Shanghai government and party posts. Like the others, he became a member of the Politboro. the American people to focus on the candidates' discussion of the issues," said Ruth Miuerfeld, national president of the league and head ot its education fund, Carter refuses to take part in a debate TtiartnclacTes" indepemdem cBndidate John Anderson unless Carter can engage in a two man debate first with Republican candidate Ronald Reagan.

In response, the league said recently it would put an empty chair on the stage of Baltimore's Convention Center to symbolize hts boycott. Commoner denied equal time WASHINGTON (AP) The Federal Communications Commission has upheld the refusal by NBC to provide equal time to presidential candidate Barry Commoner as a result of John Anderson's appearance on the "Today" show during the Republican National Convention. In a seven-page opinion mailed to Com-jnoner's attorney Monday, the FCC's complaints and compliance division ruled thut Jtnmoner, the Citizens Party's presidential candidate; had failed to prove the network aired the Anderson interviews with the intention of promoting Anderson's independent candidacy i Because the "Today" show is classified as a news interview program that is exempt from the equal time law, Commoner is not entitled to equal units unless he can show that NBC was not exercising "its good faith news judgment," the opinion concluded. Reagan endorsed, Bush not HARTFORD, Conn. (AP.) Sen.

Lowell Wetcker, announced Wednesday Anderson begins preparation for weekend debate "Integrity and good people are the most important issues today," he said in a telephone interview from Washington. Wetekef; who in the past -has threatened-to leave the GOP and run as an independent, previously had refused to support Bush because of his actions as Republican national chairman during the Watergate scandal. Debate refusal 'outrageous' SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) Independent vice pfesidential candidate Patrick Lucey on Wednesday termed "outrageous" President Carter's refusal to participate in a three-way debate this weekend with Republican Ronahi Reagan and independent John B. Anderson.

"When the voters are contributing $29.4 million dollars in tax dollars to the presidential campaign they have a right to say how that campaign will be conducted," Lucey said during a campaign visit. "I think Carter's refusal to debate is outrageous. He's had bad advice, and it is going to hurt him." Lucey, a former two-term Democratic governor of Wisconsin who helped run Sen. Edward Kennedy's unsuccessful bid to deny Carter renomination, said he is still "a good Kennedy Democrat" even though he is Anderson's running mate, Anderson is a Republican congressman from Illinois. "I have just taken a sabbatical from the party during the campaign," Lucey said.

prepared an ambush that Killed six jewisn spttlers in the West Bank. MUNTZ MEAT MARKET 1 300 Alpine 753-7761 for Strategic Studies said Thursday. "Not until, NATO: begins to deploy new long-range (missile) systems in about 1983-84 can any substantial increase in its capability be expected," the institute said in its annual survey of world military strength nie Military Balance 1980-1981. Institute warned the United States to picas ahead "towards more survivable strategic nuclear forces" because of "Soviet technological improvement which is specifically seen as threatening U.S. land-based missiles.

As the Soviet Union continues to deploy large numbers of newer (and significantly more accurate) long-range missiles, the theroretical vulnerability of U.S. Minuteman and Titan silo-based ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) increases." E. Germans strike rail mik 1 OA iivriikiic I I Tw uftvfVmiJ? WE HE PEPPER STEAKS L. 8.95 WJllfUCT demonstrates over time a broad base of support from the Korean people, and does not jeopardize the security of the situation here, we will support him because that, of course, is what we think the Korean people want." Three days later the Carter administration disavowed any association with Wickham's remarks. Anderson cited the incident as another in a series of failures by Carter.

alization," Anderson quoted Wickham as saying in an interview-that centered on his view of South Korea under strongman Gen Chun Doo-hwan. Anderson said that by giving Wickham no "presidential reproof, Jimmy Carter has let generals make policy In the Aug. 9 interview with the AP, Wickham, asked about U.S. support for the strongman, said: "Provided that he comes to power legitfmatety 'and ior High School here, where he said President Carter ailed to take action against the American general who heads U.S. forces in Korea, for making political statements.

Anderson quoted Gen. John Wickham as saying the United States should continue to back the current leadership in South Korea no matter how undemocratic their regime. "The national security and general stability surely come before political 'liber Israeli troops blasted the house and seven others Tuesday after announcing the arrest of a terrorist cell held responsible for the May 2 ambush in Hebron. Lebanese fighting kills2 BEIRUT, Lebanon (UP1) Palestinian guerrillas and Israeli-backed Christian militiamen exchanged artillery fire Wednesday and at least two people in south Lebanon were reported killed. Military officials in Israel reported several shells from Palestinian guerrillas in south Lebanon hit the eastern Galilee region of northern Israel but caused neither casualties nor damage.

Israeli artillery did not return fire, they said. But hours later. Beirut radio reported In fact, Anderson aides have said the Illinois congressman will stay at home in suburban Washington reviewing Reagan's positions on a wide range of foreign and domestic issues. Anderson has said he will make no attempt to change his style to make himself more appealing to the national television audience during the one-hour debate with Reagan. For his final stop of the campaign swing, Anderson spoke at Edwardsville Sen EDWARDSVILLE, 111.

(AP) John B. Anderson, his voice raspy from 12 days of campaigning, began four days of preparation Wednesday for his critical weekend debate with Republican opponent Ronald Reagan. Closing out a coast-to-coast, 12-state campaign tour, the independent presidential candidate was asked how he would prepare for Sunday's meeting with Reagan in Baltimore. "I'm going to rest my voice," Anderson said. YOU CHOPPED SIRLOIN LLJ 9.95 MEDIUM HEAVY 50 LB.

SPECIAL BERLIN (AP) Employees-of the East nprman- controlled railway system in West HINDQUARTERS 100-150 LB. CECIAl6 iGROUND 8 CHUCK I I $179 X. I LB. BOSTON BUTT PORK ROAST 1 0 Lbs. Sirloins 12 Lb.

Roast 8 Lb. Ground Beef 10 Lb. Pork Chops 10 Lb. Short Ribs $1.29 no frills foods! LB. that the Christian militia shelled the Lebanese coastal city of Tyre, killing two civilians and wounding 10 others.

Nations differ on media BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (UPI) A battle over the access to the hearts and minds of the world is ready to erupt at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's 21st general conference, opening in Belgrade next week. It is a battle which has raged for several years, driving East, West and Third World nations into an often bitter controversy over the operation of the world's mass media. nisMission of the so-called New World NO HIGH PRICES SLICED SLAB BACON LB. SPECIALS Berlin went on strike Wednesday, crip1 pling passenger and freight services in West Berlin and disrupting rail traffic between the western half of the divided city and East Germany. In agreement with the four former World War II allies responsible for the former German capital, the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France, the East German "Reichsbahn" organizes: rail traffic in West Berlin.

East German authorities cut telephone links between the railway stations affected by the strike, making it difficult for the strikers to communicate with each other and slowing down the flow of information to the news media. The West German railway workers union said it was unable to interfere. The strike erupted after a Reichsbahn announcement that about 80 employees from the West Berlin system would soon be fired. Two kill Turkish head ANKARA. Turkey (AP) Two suspected members of Turkey's most violent revolutionary band pumped 10 shots into the car of an Istanbul district police commander Wednesday, killing him and wounding his It was the third confirmed terrorist slaying since last week's military coup.

Just hours before the attack, the pro-Moscow revolutionary leftist group Dev-Sol vowed bloody retaliation for. last Friday's military takeover by Gen. Kenan Evren MEDS HEAVY Vl $1 39 1 Information Order is a major topic at the five-week, conference that begins Sept. 23 in Belgrade's modern Sava conference cen- ter GROUND BEEF PATTIES BEEF CUTLET 5 LB. BOX $9.95 ROSEDALE CATSUP 7.95 5 LB I I DUNCAN MINES PARAOfc I PEANUT BUTTER I CDAPUCTTI I SUGAR COOKIE I brAvjntl II mix I MEATBALLS nffi 2M.09 SS A I ICTCV 1 U.S.

airmen arrested LONDON (UPI) Three American servicemen and one Briton have been arrested in one of Britain's largest LSD drug raids, AP Laserphoto BOX Something fishy? so, 4M.09 Plot Cost Financing Available BUDGET PACK officials said Wednesday. U.S. military and British police were questioning 75 other Air Force servicemen their involvement in the case. fell, these flipped out characters can always hope, as they loll approaching official end of summer as they bask in warm in their pool at New York's Bronx Zoo. And, these Cali- tember sun.

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Beef Short Ribs We're planning an attack to fight inflation for you Republicans stall treaty with Cuba WASHINGTON (AP) -Staunch anti-Castro Republicans forced the Senate on Wednesday to temporarily shelve the ratification of a treaty setting sea boundaries with Cuba. The Senate leadership set aside the treaty ratification in the face of repeated moves by Sen. Jesse Helms, to attach anti-Castro riders to the accord. Helms said it was "a grave mistake" to regard the NEIW.320B I treaty as merely technical Terming the treaty "a referendum on (Fidel) Castro," he said if it was adopted "it would cause the American people to doubt sanity of this august body." Helms proposed an amendment to the treaty requiring the Soviet Union to i )l I HOT DOG I plain LABEL mmmmmmm9 1 SAUCE I 1 SWEET SUE I 1 ioo, 4M.00l MIX 1 CH'CKEN I I mmmmmmmmlMt 19 I I IJtWRY I I 24 0. 69C I TACO SHELLS.

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On Wolf Brand I STORE COUPON SAVE15( SAVE 10 posed instead a substitute expressing grave concern over the presence of Soviet troops in Cuba. Helms lost a bid to block the Zorihsky proposal, but refused to give up, proposing another amendment re-, quiring President Carter to state, as part of the treaty, that Cuba is not engaged in subversive activities elsewhere in the world. At that point. Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd, gave up the attempt to ratify the treaty and the Senate turned to other business. There was ao immediate indication when the Democratic leadership will try again for ratification.

The treaty has been in force on a provisional basis since January 1978. Cuba has not ratified it either. It represents an attempt to divide fishing and seabed exploration rights between uba and the United States, tts proponents said it does aot extend any formal recognition to the Castro regime. store coupon On Any Size 7i7lT IV Pace Brand ML Picante Sauce On Wolf Brand Chili lamaies iwteenw! I on vtwr retail a iff tfW 5 'i WOW rVC cZ2m u. qfJB y'iL tSiiiJ.

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