Autonomous eVTOL: A summary of researches and challenges (2024)

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Senwei Xianga( Autonomous eVTOL: A summary of researches and challenges (1) ),Anhuan Xiea,Minxiang Yea,Xufei Yanb,Xiaojia Hana,Hongjiao Niua,Qiang Lia,Haishan Huangb


● A review of autonomous eVTOL including flight control, sensing & perception, safety & reliability, and decision-making.

● Detailed analyses of technical, regulatory, and societal challenges associated with autonomous eVTOL are presented.

● Identifies future trends and recommends strategies for the development of autonomous eVTOL.

● Provides valuable insights into the present status and future prospects of autonomous eVTOL.


Due to the rising concept of advanced air mobility (AAM), electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft has become the hotspot for academic research and commercial application. This paper provides a comprehensive review of latest researches related to autonomous eVTOL. It examines key technologies involved in autonomous eVTOL, including automated flight control, sensing & perception, safety & reliability, and decision making. It also addresses the technical, regulatory, and societal challenges associated with the wholesale adoption of autonomous eVTOL into AAM. The paper concludes with a discussion of future trends and recommendations, including the importance of integration with air traffic management, urban infrastructure and human–machine interaction. It aims to be a useful resource for those involved in the research, policy, and industry of autonomous eVTOL technology.



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Autonomous eVTOL: A summary of researches and challenges (2024)
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